Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life, Death, and Taxes

With a title of life, death, and taxes how can I say Happy New Year! But it is my first post of 2010 and the title seems fitting. The New Year brings thoughts of all the good things to expect in the coming year from life. Death, well the last of the last year's lambs went to market this month. Taxes, besides paying them I have taken on the responsibilty of collecting them for our Township last month (another interesting event/long story since I've becomed involved in civic life). It feels good to be in the home stretch of the unplanned add-on and it has been a positive for me. I am starting to look forward to the planning of the next couple of months and the start of lambing, so..... more life and the cycle continues.
Since it is still January I will wish all a Happy New Year!