School's out and summer is almost here to enjoy! Once again, I've been absent for awhile as spring chores/projects and good weather for the most part have allowed me to spend most of my time outdoors. Chores have been moving sheep between pasture paddocks and hauling water, whacking thistles, mowing, etc. Schools out for the lambs this week as well as they will be weaned and on their own for awhile. The garden is in and I've been keeping up with the weeding so far in spite of the rain. Projects have included putting in patio block walkways. I've started Saturday Farmer's Market as part of Experience Historic East Troy on the square. This is a new time and venue in a way so will see how it goes. Hope to add some more direct market customers as the season goes along. So far the lamb gyro patties are the most popular.
We have had a month of birthdays including Rachel's 10th. Rachel's Rabbitry has been busy with 3 foster baby Mini Rex rabbits and hope to get some little thriving buns of our own this week.
I found out also why Indian Runner Ducks are called Runners because they run away from home. We lost all of our adult (7)Runner Ducks BUT have 2 eggs incubating that we hope will hatch.
Last week was another Tex & I adventure as we have secured his future by collecting the stud dog. His boys are frozen and stored at the International Canine Semen Bank which is about an hour and a half away. He turned out to be a Super Stud as he performed like a 90 lb. dog so I was wishing he was like the goose who lays the golden eggs! He always seems to give better than what I expect. One of his recent pleasant suprises was coming back Normal on his DM (Degenerative Myopathy) test so his pups should have a life without PRA, DM, or dysplastic hips.
With the green grass and misty rain this eve. it feels a bit like jolly ole' England so decided to post a bit of the flock on the green (photo taken last month)!
Enjoy the Upcoming Summer!